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Product Gallery Edwards PFPE RV5 Two Stage Rotary Vane Pump 115/230V, 1-ph, 50/60Hz, Factory set to 115V for USA A65309906 - Chemtech Scientific

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Edwards PFPE RV5 Two Stage Rotary Vane Pump 115/230V, 1-ph, 50/60Hz, Factory set to 115V for USA A65309906

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Edwards PFPE RV5 Two Stage Rotary Vane Pump 115/230V, 1-ph, 50/60Hz, Factory set to 115V for USA A65309906

Edwards RV pumps have become the industry standard for scientific primary pumping applications. RV pumps are uniquely capable of delivering high or low throughput with high ultimate vacuum. This, combined with low noise levels, makes them ideal for a wide range of applications including GCMS and other small bench top type applications.

RV pumps are approved to UL and CSA standards by an external test house and feature Edwards unique mode selector switch, meaning one model is suitable for both high vacuum or high throughput applications.

*Fomblin must be purchased separately for PFPE RV pumps.

Features and Benefits

  • High reliability - generous lubrication of moving parts
  • Safe process and systems - fast acting inlet valve for best in class anti-suck back protection
  • Configured to meet your vacuum needs - mode selector and two position gas ballast
  • Better work environment - quiet running and intrusive frequencies minimized
  • Universal motor to cover the widest possible voltage and frequency range from a single variant.


    • Analytical instruments
    • Laboratory bench top vacuum
    • Turbomolecuar backing pumps
    • Freeze drying
    • Research and development


    Technical Data

      50Hz 5.8 m3h-1 / 3.4 ft3min-1
      60Hz 7.0 m3h-1 / 4.1 ft3min-1
    Speed (Pneurop 6602)
      50Hz 5.1 m3h-1 / 3.0 ft3min-1
      60Hz 6.2 m3h-1 / 3.7 ft3min-1
    Ultimate pressure 2.0 x 10-3 mbar / 1.5 x 10-3 Torr
    Ultimate pressure GB I 3.0 x 10-2 mbar / 2.3 x 10-2 Torr
    Ultimate pressure GB II 1.0 x 10-1 mbar / 7.5 x 10-2 Torr
    Ultimate Pressure with Fomblin® 2.0 x 10-2 mbar / 1.5 x 10-2 Torr
    Max inlet pressure for water vapour 50 mbar / 38 Torr
    Max water vapour pumping rate – GB I 60 gh-1
    Max water vapour pumping rate – GB II 220 gh-1
    Max allowed outlet pressure 0.2 bar gauge / 2.8 psig
    Max allowed inlet and gas ballast pressure 0.5 bar gauge / 7 psig
    Motor power 50/60Hz 450 / 550W
    Power connector 1-ph IEC EN60320 C13
    Nominal rotation speed 50/60Hz 1500 / 1800rpm
    Weight (without oil) 25 kg / 55 lb
    Oil capacity min/max 0.42/0.7 litres
    Recommended oil Ultragrade 19
    Inlet flange NW25
    Exhaust flange NW25
    Noise level 48 dB(A) @ 50 Hz
    Operating temperature range 12 – 40 °C

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