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Rotary Evaporator

The rotary evaporator is used to remove solvent from reaction mixtures. The rotary evaporator uses heat, vacuum and expanded surface area for rapid, but gentle evaporation.

To select the perfect pump for a rotary evaporator process requires understanding the partial pressure of the solvents to be evaporated, chemical compatibility and flow rates sufficient for a rapid process..

Chemtech can assist you in selecting the rotary evaporator and pump match to best suit your needs. Matching the vacuum pump to your needs will be very important for trouble free operation of your system.

Please contact your Chemtech Scientific expert for the best selection.

Welch 2032B-01 Welch 2042B-01 Welch 202601 Welch 202701 Welch 202801 Welch 8890A-70
2 Torr  2 Torr  2 Torr  2 Torr  2 Torr  0.1 Torr
25 Lit/min 35 Lit/min 35 Lit/min 35 Lit/min 35 Lit/min 31 Lit/min
2 Torr - 35 LPM 2 Torr - 35 LPM 2 Torr - 35 LPM 2 Torr - 35 LPM 2 Torr - 35 LPM 0.1 Torr - 31 LPM
Excellent value for bench top rotary evaporators. Excellent performance for rotary evaporators with up to 10 liter volume. Dial Gauge Digital gauge Digital gauge with programmable control, allowing up to five, two step pressure and time control programs. This oil sealed vacuum pump will reach pressures deep enough to evaporate the most stubborn high boiling solvents.
Strips DMF @ 35C. Strips DMF @ 35C. Self Cleaning vacuum pump system keeps valves, diaphragms dry for extended life and exceptional performance. Self Cleaning vacuum pump system keeps valves, diaphragms dry for extended life and exceptional performance. Self Cleaning vacuum pump system keeps valves, diaphragms dry for extended life and exceptional performance. Cold trapping is required to protect the vacuum pump from harsh vapors.
Built in tunable control adjustable to within 1 Torr, but no gauge. Built in tunable control adjustable to within 1 Torr, but no gauge Excellent performance for rotary evaporators with up to 10 liter volume. Excellent performance for rotary evaporators with up to 10 liter volume. Excellent performance for rotary evaporators with up to 10 liter volume. Excellent performance, if maintaned and pump contamination is avoided.
    Strips DMF @ 35C. Strips DMF @ 35C. Strips DMF @ 35C. Strips very high boiling solvents.
    Built in tunable control adjustable to within 1 Torr. Built in tunable control adjustable to within 1 Torr.    

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